5 Books Every Hotelier Should Read

If you find yourself posted up by the pool this summer or taking a break from emails before you turn in for the night, consider winding down with a few of these great books. You will read about plenty of industry tips, whether it is directly relevant or gives you a solid foundation for a philosophy you can build upon.

Recently, I came across five books that captivated my attention and were quite informative. These books are a must-read as they will re-frame your mindset and alter the way you conduct yourself in a workplace.  Basically, these books will help you understand who you want to be and where you want to be.

We recommend these 5 books for every hotelier:

Contagious by Jonah Berger

No one will know how fabulous your property is if no one knows that it exists. Berger explores the science behind word-of-mouth advertising and how to make your hotel popular. In an industry that is vying for the attention of guests, who doesn’t want to be popular?

100 Tips for Hoteliers: What Every Successful Hotel Professional Needs to Know and Do by Peter Venison

Venison has been on the curriculum of many a hospitality school programs. This book is his follow-up to “Hotel Management.” This easy-to-digest book gives plenty of pointers from someone who knows the industry inside and out.

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

People don’t look for your brand’s “what,” they buy your brand’s “why.” A great marketing strategy will catapult your property to success. Simon Sinek, a TED speaker and leadership expert, offers advice to help readers find their “why” and tells them how to capitalize on it.

“It’s worth repeating: people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”

Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service by The Disney Institute

One of the hospitality industry’s biggest names appeals to both adults and kids alike. Disney shares the secrets of their quality customer service. Whether it is in a hotel, restaurant or theme park, making guests feel like they are royalty is Disney’s specialty.

Without Reservations: How a Family Root Beer Stand Grew into a Global Hotel Company by J.W. “Bill” Marriott, Jr.

Get the background story and the road map for the success of hotel giant Marriott International. Marriott, Jr., passes down his father’s knowledge and insights for the future of the industry. Even if it might not be the type of property you would be aiming to grow and manage, it is important to know who your competition is.

As a hotelier, you probably feel that you have enough to worry about, with all your staff and having to keep an entire establishment running 24 hours a day. However, as the travel industry is continuously re-inventing itself with new trends and technology, it is very important to stay informed.

Hotelogix recommends these 5 books for hoteliers. Let us know your views on this.